Sunday, February 13, 2005

Son of the Mask

How I loved The Mask eleven years ago in immeasurable. I was a kid living in my home country Uruguay, and I didn't go to the movies much, so I didn't see the Jim Carrey career maker (together with Ace Ventura, and internationally of course cause he was known in the US from In Living Color) until it came out on VHS. I remember that weekend, I was at a friend's house and we rented it. We watched it and watched it four times that Saturday, always adding more viewers as we were calling friends to come see it with us. Then I went home that Saturday night, and on Sunday I watched it four more times with my family and friends.
From Carrey's comedy to Cameron Diaz's beauty (this was the movie that made her a superstar too), The Mask was perfect in all senses.
The Son of the Mask is not.

The story starts with the great Alan Cumming (X-men's so awesome Nightcrawler) as Loki, the owner of the Mask. He lost it and is now looking for it under the pressure of his Father Odin, the Norse God of War and Death, played by Bob Hoskins (who's apparently making a comeback with this and Unleashed, a movie with Jet Li to be released in a few weeks). Now, this is a sequel, so I don't know why Loki is looking for the Mask now and not in the original movie. Weird.
Anyway, the Mask is found by Otis, a dog who takes it to his owner's house. The owner and hero of the movie is Tim Avery (played by Jamie Kennedy), an uninspired cartoon animator who can't catch a break at work, nor at home, where his wife Tonya (Traylor Howard) is bugging him with having a baby right now, which he doesn't want.
Soon a costumes party comes and Tim uses the Mask, which transforms him into the green skinned crazy guy we loved in Jim Carrey's hands, but feels and looks really bad in Kennedy's (unlike with Carrey, Kennedy's masked man has hair, and it looks like a piece of plastic, really bad). The party tries to relive the greatness of the original movie's magic party but it doesn't, specifically because Jamie Kennedy is supposedly a good rapper so we get the Mask rapping and it's just horrible. After the party, Tim goes home, makes love to his wife while wearing the Mask, and of course, she ends up pregnant, and soon after she gives birth to the title character.
Long story short, the baby has the powers of the Mask without the need of wearing it, and Loki (who also has powers without the Mask) finds him. Tim now has to deal with the baby, the dog (who's jealous because he doesn't get any attention now), his work, and Loki, who kidnaps the baby so Tim would give him the Mask.

The jokes are bad, I only found funny the sequence with the jealous dog Otis planning how to get rid of the baby. It looked kind of like the Roadrunner and the Coyote's adventures and it was fun. Alan Cumming had the only other few funny parts, while Kennedy sucked while trying to be funny (Mask wearing or not) and while trying to be a dad.
The special effects are not great either, with the baby effects being just horrible (and not a cute baby IMO).
An overall bad and unfunny sequel that was not necessary, and that unlike the original, wont help anyone's career.