Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Oscar Nominations 2006 Predictions

Nominations in 5 minutes. These are my predictions:

Best Picture:
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck
Walk the Line

Best Director:
Ang Lee
George Clooney
Paul Haggis
Steven Spielberg
David Cronenberg

Best Actor:
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Heath Ledger
Joaquin Phoenix
David Strathairn
Terrence Howard (or Russell Crowe, but I'm going with Terrence)

Best Actress:
Reese Witherspoon
Felicity Huffman
Charlize Theron
Dame Judy Dench
Keira Knightley (I'm going with her but It'll probably be Ziyi Zhang)

Supporting Actor:
Paul Giamatti
Jake Gyllenhaal
George Clooney
Matt Dillon
Bob Hoskins (or Howard if he doesnt get best actor, but Im going with Hoskins)

Supporting Actress:
Maria Bello
Michelle Williams
Amy Adams
Rachel Weisz
Catherine Keener

Original Screenplay:
Match Point
Good Night, and Good Luck
The Squid and the Whale
Cinderella Man (or Syriana but I think it won't get enough votes)

Adapted Screenplay:
Brokeback Mountain
The Constant Gardener
A History of Violence

Animated Feature:
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Howl's Moving Castle
Wallace and Gromit