Transporter 2

This time around Frank lives in Florida instead of Europe, and he also drives an Audi A8 W12 instead of a BMW. The job is still the same, and the rules probably too though there's no mention of them this time around, as we get back with Frank when he's not doing one of his regular jobs, which usually include something illegal. Instead, he's helping out a friend by filling in as the driver of the kid of a rich couple. Soon the kid is attacked and kidnapped by Lola (Kate Nauta), a deadly skinny model looking assassin girlfriend of Gianni (Alessandro Gassman), the mastermind of a plan to infect the whole world with a deadly virus to which only he has the antidote, and so he would get rich by selling it when everybody is infected. They need to capture the kid because his father Jefferson Billings (Matthew Modine) is the head of US narcotics division and so he would get infected too and would infect all the other important people he's meeting with in a couple of days. They would get infected because the virus is passed just by breathing the air someone infected breathes, kind of like second hand smoke.
Amber Valletta plays Audrey, the mother of the kid, wife of Billings, and Frank's kind of love interest.
Some stunts are repeated from the first movie like the oily arms sequence, but the rest are, while over the top, lots of fun. Like a scene in which he flips over the car in the air to get rid of a bomb attached to its chassis, or a scene in which a plane crashes into the sea. About that one, it's weird that it doesn't explode, considering that even 2 cars crashing at low speed looked like an atomic bomb, though it was probably because our hero was in the plane. I also love the fact that Frank keeps new suits and shirts in the car in case something happens to the ones he's using.
While the first Transporter had a brilliant first 45 minutes, after that it lost its magic. This sequel is better in that aspect, as it keeps the action even throughout the entire movie, and is good at all times.
With a great score and Francois Berleand reprising his role as French Inspector Tarconi for comic relief, Transporter 2 succeeds in entertain us and makes for a good second part to a franchise I wouldn't mind if it gets 5 more of them.
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