Wedding Crashers

"Suck my left nut!". That's how this movie opens. This year so far has been tough for comedies, I loved Fever Pitch, but besides that there hasn't been one single broad comedy worth to be called Best Comedy of the Year. Well, fear no more, because Wedding Crashers is here, and it rocks.
Pairing of Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn is not original, after all, these guys have been doing movies with Ben Stiller, Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell and Jack Black non-stop for the past 3 years. But still, the idea is genius.
Divorce mediators by day, Wedding Crashers by night, Owen Wilson plays John Beckwith and Vince Vaughn plays Jeremy Klein, two party guys who work all year waiting for the Wedding Season, that time of year when everybody decides to get married at the same time. And so they crash every possible wedding they can, no matter race or religion, always following the Wedding Crashing Rules set by a legend only known as Chaz years ago, who then passed all his knowledge along to Jeremy. Simple rules really, like always using fake names and always be the life of the party nobody will suspect you were never invited to it.
The goal: free food and drinks, and of course, vulnerable women to have sex with.
The first 45 minutes of the show us the guys partying and having sex with the girls and they stuff they do is awesome and a real life guide really, it's all very useful.
And then the movie goes into romantic comedy mode and we get the beautiful Rachel McAdams as Claire and the crazy in love Isla Fisher as Gloria, daughters to Christopher Walken's Secretary of Treasure Cleary, whose other daughter gets married, and so John and Jeremy crash the wedding. It all ends up with John falling in love with Claire, even though she has a boyfriend and is probably getting married soon, and Jeremy totally freaked out by Gloria, who doesn't tell him she's a virgin until after they do it and then falls psychotically quickly in love with him.
Jane Seymour plays the mother of the girls and even though she only has a handful of scenes, they're all funny and work great. Chaz is revealed towards of the movie and is funny as hell, so I'm not going to spoil it by saying who plays him but the character is genius.
If I had to complain, I'd say that Walken is never let lose, and that the guys get too easy into the Cleary's wedding which is supposed to have all this mass security, but still, it doesn't really affect anything, mostly because Owen and Vince are so great here. Isla Fisher is a comedic revelation, and she's not afraid to show her body, though her nude scenes are cut in a way that it could've been body double, but it's still nudity, and I'm happy for that. Adult language is also used in abundance, making the R rating worthy.
Much better than most comedies, though not in the level of the perfect Old School (to which I compare all comedies btw), Wedding Crashers is the best comedy of the year right now, and thanks to the great characters and comedic acting talent, and the excellent situations and quotable lines, it has all the right ingredients to become a classic.
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