Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Team America: World Police

This is one of the funniest movies of the year. The second one in my personal list with Anchorman being in the top but this is really excellent.
This contains some spoilers but there are no twists so there really is no harm. Also, this movie is Rated R as much as possible and so is the review.

Team America is a movie anti-anti-terrorism, but is not pro-terrorism either.

Bad guy and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has Weapons of Mass Destruction and is giving them to the terrorists so they can create chaos, leading the world to believe that they're the ones behind it all and not him.

Team America comes to the rescue in the opening scene in France to kill the terrorists, and while doing it end up destroying Paris and all their landmarks. An excellent opening scene where everything happens, and after defeating the enemies, one of them comes back to take the life of one Team America member.

Theater Actor Gary Johnson is then recruited by Team America's leader, Spottswoode, to join members Chris, Sarah, Lisa and Joe, so because of his excellent acting, he can infiltrate in terrorist territory and found out where are the rest of the WMD and stop them.

They're puppets, so anything can happens, and it happens.
The so much talked about sex scene, which was cut from the original 3 minutes is excellent. 20 seconds of pure laugh and all the positions available including oral sex, anal sex, 69s, and all you can imagine.
The puking scene is also excellent in the gross department.

The action scenes are like watching GI JOE commercials. Their little planes and jeeps and boats and helicopters are excellent. And the fight scenes are nonstop laugh too. Specially the first one.

The songs, awesome. "America, Fuck Yeah!" is going to the Oscars I'm predicting. Excellent song. And the others are great too like the one Kim Jong Il sings.

The movie also features a lot of well known actors (none of them approved their appearances though) including Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon, Liv Tyler, Samuel L. Jackson, Danny Glover, Helen Hunt and more. And they're included very much in the movie.

The whole speech that goes all along story about Dicks, Pussies and Assholes is excellent like the whole movie. Oh yeah, the puppets look awesome too.

PS: the movie really doesn't have any politics in it, and shockingly, George W. Bush is not portrayed nor talked about. Michael Moore is.